Plenary - Welcome

Welcome to Brand-Led Culture Change 2023
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Featured Speakers
Co-Host of the Across the Pond Marketing Transformed podcast; SVP Revenue,
Sustainable Brands
Sustainable Brands
Partnering to protect soil: How collaboration can accelerate sustainable change in the field and awaken consumers
5:15 PM - 5:40 PM

Pet food brand NUTRO and regenerative storytellers Kiss the Ground are on a shared mission to protect soil health. Here, Mindy Barry and Evan Harrison discuss how the rapid loss of soil could jeopardize the future ability to grow ingredients essential to NUTRO pet food - and explore how brands can inspire action and advocacy to help protect this precious resource. In particular, they consider the vital role of brands in using creative storytelling to educate consumers about the importance of protecting the soil in which natural ingredients grow.

Featured Speakers
Chief Executive Officer
Kiss the Ground
Kiss the Ground
Senior Director Marketing, Mars Petcare - Global NUTRO Brand & US Naturals Portfolio Lead​
From Resistance to Buy-In: Three Science-Based Secrets for Making Change Stick
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM

Traditionally, culture is understood to have three layers: the most visible layer - the artifacts; a partially visible layer - the behaviors; and a deep, often unseeable layer - our values and beliefs. Organizations often think that people don't move toward more sustainable actions and lifestyles because of the first two layers, i.e. because they need better artifacts and/or better behavioral guidance. However, the more this gets studied, the more we are finding that the 'biggest unlocks' lie in the third layer - in the complex web of our values and beliefs, and the ways said values and beliefs dictate our emotions and attitudes! This informs an entire new field of reinvention focused on increasing the chances of companies surviving turbulence and disruption by tapping into that third, often unseeable layer of culture.

Featured Speakers
Founder and Chief Reinvention Officer
The Reinvention Academy (USA)
Designing For Zero Waste: Unlocking solutions through collaboration
6:00 PM - 6:25 PM

Learn how Target and its partners’ collaborative work on Target Zero, a curated collection of products designed to reduce waste and make it easier to shop sustainably, has been implemented through product innovation and purchasing, store experiences for guests, and through brand messaging.

Featured Speakers
SVP of Essentials & Beauty
SVP Corporate Responsibility & President of the Target Foundation
SVP Customer Development
Closing Remarks
6:25 PM - 6:30 PM
Featured Speakers
Co-Host of the Across the Pond Marketing Transformed podcast; SVP Revenue,
Sustainable Brands
Sustainable Brands
Monday 22nd May
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM



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