Make Better Products, Faster – Join the global launch of Makersite – Lunch Presentation Hosted by Makersite

Hosted by Makersite

Makersite is the largest data platform for eco-design and stewardship. Product teams use it to analyse and collaborate on how things are made, and to improve the impacts of making them.

In this WORLD PREMIERE we will demonstrate its new Appsstore, tailored to specific quests. There are more than 30 Apps available for business, compliance, health, and environmental evaluations. Product teams can use them to quickly explore the effects of different product configurations, such as global warming, eutrophication, carcinogenicity, RoHS and REACH compliance and production costs.

Join for this entertaining and highly useful demonstration of Makersite by one of its founders!

Groundbreaking’ – Sustainable Brands

Location: Norway Room Date: October 31, 2017 Time: 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm Christoph Wilfert