Charleen Fain-Keslar

Branch Chief — California Department of General Services
Charleen Fain-Keslar works with California Department of General Services (DGS) and guides and directs state buyers to incorporate sustainability into public procurement. Ms. Fain-Keslar helps establish policy and manages implementation for California’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program and the Buy Clean California Act. This year, she is adding policy language regarding forced labor into legislation. She possesses decades of experience participating in several multi-stakeholder initiatives including the US EPA’s Ecolabels Program and UNEP’s sustainable public procurement report publication. Her contributions have led to a shared understanding of the complexity in public institutional purchasing and tools to help guide sustainable purchasing decisions and measure EPP progress statewide. Charleen also serves on the Global Electronic Council’s Advisory Council and the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC).