Full Program
Hear from purpose-driven, action-oriented visionaries from the world’s leading brands who are focused on delivering positive results for businesses, consumers, the planet, and society. Mainstage speakers will present the latest leadership skills and capabilities, case studies of reinventing business models at scale, and inspiration to transform your relationship with customers, suppliers, investors, employees, and communities. Breakout sessions will be led by subject-matter experts who will help you to understand regeneration on a deep level and walk away prepared to drive regenerative innovation at your organization. Want to see an overview of each day? Check out our schedule at a glance page.
- Activating Brand Purpose (4)
- Transformative Governance and Metrics (4)
- Regenerative Operations & Supply Chain (4)
- Next Generation Design and Business Model Innovation (4)
- Influencing Behavior Change at Scale (4)
Session Type
- Workshop (10)
- Breakout Session (23)
- Plenary (7)
- Activity (14)
- Special Event (7)
- Private Event (3)
- Digital Content (9)
- Meal (2)
- Breakfast Session (6)
- Lunch Session (3)
- Paradise - Ballroom (7)
- Sunset Ballroom - Terrace (13)
- Paradise - Terrace (6)
- Paradise Cove (Beach) (2)
- Sunset Ballroom - Room 3 (6)
- Sunset Ballroom - Room 4 (5)
- Sunset Ballroom - Room 5 (6)
- Dockside - Room (6)
- Garden Room - Room (4)
- Bay View - Room (10)
- Sunset Ballroom - Room 2 (1)
- Tidal (2)
- Executive Suite - 701/703 (1)
- Executive Suite - 705/707 (3)
- Executive Suite - 709/711 (1)
- Executive Suite - 713/715 (1)
- Sunset Pavilion - South & North (9)
- Paradise - Foyer (7)
- Executive Suite Lawn (1)
- Mission Bay - Patio (1)
Monday 18th October
New Member and Brands for Good Orientation & Breakfast
For our newest Members, start the Flagship experience off right with a meet-and-greet orientation breakfast! Learn more about your membership and meet other new Members across the network, while enjoying breakfast treats... see more
Membership & Brands for Good: Brand Transformation Workshop
As more and more industries brace for the future, integrated sustainability has become a proven metric for organizations poised for the critical needs of their consumers and communities. However, the path toward... see more
The Purpose Advantage: How to Activate Purpose to Build New Brand Value
In today's noisy world where people have instant access to nearly everything, quality products and services are no longer enough to differentiate your company or organization―your brand― from the competition. What a... see more
Philippa Cross
Tim Galles
Research Insights Series: Consumer Preferences and Behaviors
In this data-rich session, top-notch researchers will share new insights into customer preferences, behaviors and reactions to sustainability-centric value propositions. Each presentation will be followed by Q&A with the audience focused on... see more
Rachel Whitacre
Mark Deming
Emily Olson
Susannah Enkema
Eleni (Ellie) Kardaras
Cory Skuldt
Rethinking the Whole Value Chain of Plastic
This session brings a series of presentations on the most promising recent developments around rethinking and reinventing the whole value chain of plastics. From upgrades to recycling infrastructure, to new collection and... see more
Lina Constantinovici
Susan Koehler
Paloma Lopez
Jeff Wooster
Dave Ford
Paula Luu
Regenerative Design Immersive: Experience the Tools of the Trade for Transformational Innovation
Innovation. Sustainability. Regenerative Design. It’s one thing to say they’re instrumental to our future. It’s quite another to put it into practice. But that’s exactly what this workshop will help you do.... see more
JoAnn Garbin
Teri Sun
Seth GaleWyrick
Victoria Kindred Keziah
Hemp & Regenerative Agriculture: Design Sprints & the UN SDGs
Regennabis will facilitate an Abridged Design Sprint* over a four-hour “Workshop-style” session to:
- Provide an overview of the Mega-Process of Design Sprints and how they drive transformative change at a product... see more

#SDGGROOVE Performance with Brody & Leo
Brody Schaffer
Leo Abelo Perry
Claire Perry
Danielle Lucia Schaffer
Storytelling that Empowers
This session will teach attendees several essential approaches to storytelling that empowers consumers and other key stakeholders to become sustainability- and regeneration-driven change agents in their own spheres of influence. Speakers will... see more
Maddy Kulkarni
Simon Mainwaring
Virginie Helias
The Arrow and The Wheel of Transformability
With so many companies jumping on bandwagons around pressing environmental and social issues, people can easily feel overwhelmed or distrustful toward such efforts and see them as cheap marketing stunts meant to... see more
Thomas Kolster
Research Insights Series: The Business Case for Sustainability and Regeneration
To earn CFO or C-Suite approval and support, sustainability champions need to show how their proposed project, initiative, program or strategy will benefit the environment and/or society AS WELL AS the company.... see more
Jenny Robertson
Roger Strukhoff
Sandy Skees
Mark Lee
Meagan Knowlton
Leilani Latimer
Emerging Regenerative Governance Models
As climate change continues to accelerate, reporting and regulatory requirements do as well. Rather than see this as simply a compliance exercise, organizations have the opportunity to set ambitious goals which will... see more
MaryJo Cook
Kevin Gangel
Shawn Hesse
Pamela Wilhelms
Mike Wallace
Corporate Political Responsibility: Building Brands with Integrity and Authenticity in a Polarized World
The University of Michigan’s Erb Institute recently launched the Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce (CPRT) with the goal of providing engagement, support and a framework to help companies craft integrated Corporate Political Responsibility... see more
Thomas Lyon
Elizabeth Doty
Daniel Aronson
Cody Tubbs
Kris Pederson
Sustainability Myths, Lies, and Blindness: A Conversation about the Visible and the Invisible
We live in a world of tumultuous change and profound uncertainty—change on a scale we have not seen in the last 100 years—from the impending and rapid upending of the transportation and... see more
Gil Friend
Chauncey Bell
Welcome to SB'21 San Diego!
Sustainable Brands Founder & CEO KoAnn Skrzyniarz will kick off the main-stage program by sharing highlights from a number of exciting conversations and projects the global Sustainable Brands platform has engaged in over the past year. Get set for a week of learning, inspiration and collaboration that will help enable us to collectively thrive as business leaders in the 2020s and beyond.
KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz
Carol Sanford
Sandy Skees
How an Iconic Brand’s Core Values Have Shaped Its Journey
The great Fritjof Capra once said that if one follows the rivers of all of our crises upstream, one meets a crisis of consciousness, a crisis of perception – a crisis of how we see ourselves and our role on this living planet. In this immersive and heart-felt talk, Rick Ridgeway will harness that lens to frame the origin story of Patagonia’s core values and how they have informed the company’s decision-making on every level and at every step of the way. This keynote will set the tone for one of the main objectives of this event – to help us re-examine how we see ourselves and the roles of our organizations in all systems we’re part of.
Rick Ridgeway
Essential Principles of Regeneration in Nature
Join biomimicry pioneer and visionary Janine Benyus as she outlines what nature teaches us about regeneration and how to use its lessons wisely to shape the future of business. Janine is a globally recognized thought leader, biologist-at-the-design-table, innovation consultant, and author of six books, including Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature.
Janine Benyus
Rebel Leadership and Thriving in Uncertain Times
There is a growing pattern of not just individual leaders, but entire cultures rebelling against old and ineffectual ways that have long defined what it means to lead. At the heart of rebel leadership is the emergence of five patterns seen in leading organizations across sectors. Together, these patterns outline a framework for how to successfully meet this turbulent new century. Award-winning author Larry Robertson will reveal these patterns and explain how anyone can tap into the power of this framework and make it their own.
Larry Robertson
Building a Movement around Regeneration
This segment will explore how the world’s largest food and beverage company is working to advance regenerative food systems at scale. Regeneration is a transformation that will require everyone – from companies like Nestlé to partners, suppliers and consumers around the world – to work together. Global CMO Aude Gandon will lay out the company’s regeneration journey and describe an exciting new platform Nestlé is launching to build further awareness and momentum.
Aude Gandon
Closing Remarks
Opening Night Reception
Enjoy food and drinks while you connect with friends and explore the expo on your path to regeneration! see more
SB Rainbow (and Ally) Mixer
Benefiting the San Diego LGBT Community Center*
Hosted by: Sandy Skees, David Fiss, Gwen Migita, Jen Elks, Doug Sabo
*The San Diego LGBT Community Center enhances and sustains the health & well-being... see more

Porter Novelli Inc
Tuesday 19th October
Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Yoga
Breakfast Session: The Sustainability Leader’s Guide to Climate Commitments and Disclosure - sponsored by One Trust
Breakfast will be served at this session
Making a carbon commitment for your company can be difficult as you balance the timelines and expectations of many stakeholders with your own internal processes... see more
Phil Redman
Alexandra Albro
Tuesday Plenary Program: Product, Service & Business Model Innovation for Regeneration I
Keynotes during this morning’s plenary program will focus on laying out some of the most promising types of innovation for regeneration we are currently observing. From new business models based on regenerative... see more
Opening Remarks
Andrew Winston
Gigatrends and Drive to Net Positive
Andrew Winston
The (R)Evolution of Regenerative Ag
Marci Zaroff
How Regeneration, Equity and Co-Creation Drives Target Forward
Amanda Nusz
KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz
Transforming CO₂ Into Products for the Future
Tuesday Plenary Program: Product, Service & Business Model Innovation for Regeneration II
Continuation of the Morning's Theme see more
Regenerating Our Planet Through the Power of Co-Creation
Jose Gorbea
Santhi Ramesh
Accelerating Sustainable Innovation at P&G
Victor Aguilar
Virginie Helias
Expanding Consumer Awareness of Climate Change through Realestate
Daryl Fairweather
Unwrap The Future: The Power of Collaboration Between Brands and NGOs to Create Lasting Impact
Dune Ives
Lunch Session: From Dirt to Shirt: Providing data, transparency and supply chain assurances - sponsored by US Cotton Trust Protocol
Lunch will be served at this session
Where you source materials matters more today than ever before. Consumers have set high standards; they demand quality, consistency and materials that are more sustainably... see more
Christopher McLaren
Gary Adams
Aaron Barcellos

U.S. Cotton Protocol
Women's Leadership Lunch
Networking lunch with keynote panel. Unfortunately all the reserved seats have been taken for this event. We suggest that if you are still interested in attending but have not RSVPd please come... see more
Katie Decker
Gwen Migita
Hannah Peters
Julia Luscher
Consumers as Suppliers
This panel will examine ways and means of activating consumers as the critical ‘missing link’ in emerging circular models around clothes, footwear and other CPGs. Panelists will combine their experiences with ‘consumers... see more

APCO Worldwide
Raphael Bemporad
Wilson Griffin
Shannon Bouton
New Marketplaces and Platforms Designed for Regenerative Outcomes
This panel will cover the benefits of a few exciting new types of marketplaces specifically and explicitly aimed at producing sustainable and/or regenerative outcomes. From new ways to trade carbon, to converting... see more
Seth Blaustein
Dan Kurzrock
Andy Burr
Nick Reinke
Why and How the 2020s Can Be the Decade of Regenerative Agriculture
The business world will need a number of big transformations in the coming years if we are to tackle the myriad environmental and social challenges we are facing, and we would be... see more

Zachary Angelini
Taylor Stanley
Jennifer Betka
Enterprise-level Purpose: How to Drive Purpose, Growth and Impact at Scale
This session will focus on best practices in connecting enterprise-level purpose to product-level purpose and successfully activating across all key touchpoints on both levels at the same time. Attendees will receive practical... see more

Annie Longsworth
Larine Urbina
Alexa Rudin
Straightforward Social Impact Measurement Any Company Can Use
Many frameworks and tools for social impact measurement exist, however ironically the most sophisticated ones tend to enjoy the lowest levels of adoption by companies – often because they are perceived as... see more
Thomas Lyon
Terry Nelidov
Tiffani Jarnigan
Phil Redman
Rebecca Shelby
Pursuing Good food Good life through brands
We only have one planet. We must protect, restore and renew our planet’s resources today and for future generations. Brands can have a unique opportunity to connect with consumer to create a... see more
Emily Johannes
Emma Cofer
Simon Mainwaring
Communicating Scientific Claims to Protect Credibility and Manage Risk
This session will go over recommended practices and pitfalls to watch out for when communicating scientific claims on packaging, as well as in any and all marketing, advertising and public relations activities.... see more

Julia Lyon
Kathryn Farrara
David Mallen
Tina French
Brands for Good: Brand Collaboration for Behavior Change at Scale
This session will focus on the uncommon collaboration between leading global brands as part of the SB Brands for Good initiative. We’ll share how otherwise competitive brands have worked together to collaborate... see more

APCO Worldwide
Darren Beck
Angelica Beard
Karen Marchetti
Maddy Kulkarni
Cultivating and Training Breakthrough Regenerative Leadership
This discussion will explore a range of ways to acquire and sharpen the skills it takes to be a truly regenerative leader. Panelists bring several decades of combined experience as well as... see more
John Izzo
Daniel Aronson
Dave Ford
Pamela Wilhelms
Samantha Veide
Social Regeneration through Deep Supply Chain Transformation
This panel will go over critical social issues in global supply chains that have been making headlines for far too long – inequality, discrimination, forced labor and other forms of exploitation. The... see more

Bonnie Nixon
Charleen Fain-Keslar
Sean Ansett
Connecting Sustainability and Regeneration Credentials to Sales
To earn CFO or C-Suite approval and support, sustainability champions need to show how their proposed project, initiative, program or strategy will benefit the environment and/or society AS WELL AS the company.... see more
Leslie Hushka
Jason Pelz
Kellie Ballew
David Fiss
Beyond Net Zero: How Nestle, Dole Sunshine, Unilever, and Vanguard Renewables are Boosting Sustainability Impacts
Most companies have sustainability goals today; many have committed to Science Based Targets or a “net zero” carbon impact. Attend this panel to learn how Nestle, Dole Sunshine Company, Unilever, and Vanguard... see more
John Hanselman
Emily Johannes
Lara Ramdin
Kelley Devaney
Social Justice Gallery

Porter Novelli Inc
Connect Party at the Executive Suites
Enjoy lawn games, drinks, music, and other activities at our Connect Suite Party. It's our version of a neighborhood block party. Hosted by Amazon, Tetra Pak, thinkPARALLAX, Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions... see more

Porter Novelli Inc

Shell Energy
Wednesday 20th October
Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Yoga
Leadership Breakfast Roundtable: New Global Consumer Insights on Healthy & Sustainable Living
Join us for an intimate discussion on the current state of consumer engagement on healthy & sustainable living. GlobeScan and Visa will share with you new consumer insights from the 31-market 2021... see more
Chris Coulter
Douglas Sabo
Breakfast Session: Boosting Sustainable Product Sales with Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly- sponsored by Amazon
Join us for breakfast to learn how you can work with Amazon to boost sales of more sustainable products through the recently launched Climate Pledge Friendly program, and other programs across Amazon... see more
Adam Werbach
Zac Ludington
Wednesday Plenary Program: Key Stakeholders as Agents of Regeneration I
This morning’s plenary program will revolve around enabling and equipping key stakeholders to be more effective agents of regeneration – with a special focus on consumers, employees, suppliers and local communities as... see more
Opening Remarks
Philip McKenzie
Urgency and Optimism: How Business Meets Today’s Challenges by Collectivizing Purpose
Simon Mainwaring
Sustainable Shopping – How Customer Obsession Will Define a Future Retail Experience
Cyrus Wadia
Small Business Revolution: How a ‘brand as publisher’ model can change communities
Amanda Brinkman
Driving Organizational Change in Support of Sustainability
Katie Decker
Nancy Mahon
Angelica Beard
Wednesday Plenary Program: Key Stakeholders as Agents of Regeneration II
Continuation of the Morning's Theme see more
Looking to the Future of America's Food System
Jonathan Webb
Activists by Choice – The Future of Sustainable Consumption
Mathias Wikström
Kristina Kloberdanz
Bringing brands, Consumers and Suppliers Together to Create Jobs for Refugees
What's More Boring Than Oatmilk? Sustainability.
Heidi Hackemer
Speaker Interview
Larry Robertson
Understanding the Environmental and Social Impacts of Professional Sports
This session will present key findings from the 2021 Sustainable Sport Index, a first of its kind effort to understand the collective environmental and social impacts of the sports industry. This benchmarking project collected the performance of sport teams and venues in key areas including energy and water management, waste management and diversion, carbon management, cleaning and janitorial, food and beverage, procurement and retail operations, transportation, communication and engagement, sustainability certifications, sponsorship, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. This session will explore the findings of the report and discuss the movement in professional sports to lead in the area of sustainability for their communities and fans.
Lindsay Arell
Nelson Ventress

Shell Energy
Lunch Session: The Math and the Path - sponsored by EY
Lunch will be served in this session.
Getting your entire organization to understand climate risk, set achievable goals, and take advantage of opportunities. see more
Bruno Sarda
Kristin Sterling

Ernst & Young
Why Vertical Leadership Development is Crucial for Regenerative Brands
In contrast to horizontal leadership development, which is all about learning concrete new skills and mastering practical tools, vertical leadership development is about the more complex deeper stuff – the world of... see more
Pamela Wilhelms
Build Brands That Champion Equity & Justice and Addressing the Missing Role of Mental Health
Equity and justice came to sharp focus after the racial reckoning of 2020, as every company begins/continues their journey leaning into equity and grapples with what that means for their brand(s). Companies... see more

Edward Wang
James Thomas
Taryn Bird
Nick Street
Moving Toward Positive: Using Nature as a Model, Mentor, and Measure for Regenerative Performance
This panel will offer three rich cutting-edge case studies of major brands applying biomimicry principles in order to advance their sustainability and regeneration programs in unprecedented ways. Attendees can expect practical real-world... see more
Nicole Miller
Erin Meezan
JoAnn Garbin
The Evolution of the Complex World of Nature-Based Carbon Offsets
This session will aim to track the multi-faceted evolution of the voluntary carbon market and help make sense of the wide variety of nature-based carbon offset schemes available out there. Expert panelists... see more

Jeremy Manion
Matthew Potts
Wessel Koning
Kevin Whilden
Teresa Lang
A New Framework for Socially Responsible Ocean-Bound Plastic Supply Chains
Ocean-bound plastic supply chains often rely on a workforce that is at risk for social and economic exploitation and exposed to degraded environmental conditions. Additional care is needed to ensure social responsibility... see more

APCO Worldwide
Terra Grantham
Mikhail Davis
Dune Ives
Page Motes
The “Virtuous Spiral” of Transcendent Business: How To Lead With We
You can grow your business even as you wholly commit to humanity & the planet—even during this unprecedented confluence of crises. In fact, relevance & long-term prosperity for your business will absolutely... see more
Simon Mainwaring
Virginie Helias
Innovation in Stakeholder Engagement, Education and Collaboration
This session will share why and how certain kinds of innovation in stakeholder engagement, education and collaboration are gaining momentum, and how they can be helpful with taking sustainability and regeneration initiatives... see more
Jessica Appelgren
Prakash Arunkundrum
Roman Smith
Purpose as Critical Connective Tissue for Organizations in an Uncertain and Volatile World
This session will analyze how purpose could increasingly serve as critical connective tissue for companies in a COVID next world. This session will showcase leading company examples how purpose is embedded into... see more

APCO Worldwide
Carol Cone
Renee Junge
Deborah O’Connor
Supporting Communities Disproportionately Affected by Social and Environmental Crises
Just as the levels of uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are intensifying all around us, so too are the levels of creativity smart brands are harnessing to do right by their stakeholders. This... see more

Jill Houghton
Celia Ouellette
Brent Legg
Tynesia Boyea-Robinson
Versatile New Materials and Material Conversions Promising to Revolutionize a Variety of Industries
As sustainability and regenerations agendas and ambitions advance, companies have an ever-growing arsenal of solutions and resources to consider. One area of innovation that has seen particularly promising breakthroughs is that of... see more
Jurriaan Kamp
Sam Ruben
Taylor Heisley-Cook
Jay Potter
Measuring Regenerative Outcomes along the Value Chain
Measuring regeneration is an entirely new field that is only just now starting to solidify, yet it’s crucially important if we are to make the collective progress we are hoping for. This... see more

Jeff Gowdy
Ethan Soloviev
Nicole Miller
Erin Meezan
Mary Jane Melendez
Fireside Chat: A More Sustainable Food Supply Starts with Better Breeding
To nourish 10 billion people by 2050, we need real innovation to meet the demand while reducing the impact on our planet. Join a discussion which will begin to link key sustainability... see more
Elena Rice
Blake Alexandre
David Hopkins
Thursday 21st October
Thursday Plenary Program: Storytelling for a Regenerative Future I
This morning’s plenary program will explore the role of thoughtful and carefully-calibrated storytelling in bringing about positive behavior change and engaging people on a journey toward a regenerative economy. Keynote speakers will... see more
Opening Remarks
Bruce Reynolds
“I Am,” The Power and Peril of Identity: How Storytellers Can Embrace Our Human Complexity for Greater Impact
Lisa Kenney
Radically Better Future: The Next Generation Reckoning for Brands
Raphael Bemporad
Joe Hobbs
Alexis Saenz
Amplifying Good Work to Educate and Engage Customers
Stephanie Perdue
Carbon Clarity: Understanding Carbon Impact and Communicating through Carbon Labeling
Prakash Arunkundrum
Thursday Plenary Program: Storytelling for a Regenerative Future II
Continuation of the Morning's Theme see more