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Samuel Monnie

Samuel Monnie

Co-Host of the Across the Pond Marketing Transformed podcast; SVP Revenue,
Sustainable Brands

I am a ‘Reformed Marketer’ driving good growth (ie Sustainability & ESG) | CMO / CRO reshaping the 5P's of commerce = People | Purpose | Progress | Planet | Prosperity |

That’s why at Sustainable Brands I help brand leaders and commercial teams get their mojo back by defining what they need to do differently, who needs to do it and most importantly crafting the HOW to deliver it. Via new (ways of working, culture, organization design, upskilling, reskilling, capability building, Storytelling). Because now is the time for us to come together, collaborate, and co-create solutions to reshape commerce to a sustainable economy and a flourishing future.

My B2B and B2C business leadership positions includes Campbell's, Braun, Gillette, Kenmore (Sears), P&G, Grainger, and Safeway. From the UK (of Ghanaian heritage) I’ve lived in Germany, Switzerland and now reside in the USA. I am an avid fan of Manchester United Football Club, connoisseur of Indian food, and always ensure music is within earshot. Little known fact: I speak German, French and Ga (Ghana).

Wednesday 8th May
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM

This discussion will explore the tension between driving positive (but often messy) change vocally and the temptation to play it safe by avoiding polarizing or controversial issues–but potentially missing out on the... see more

Wednesday 8th May
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8th May
5:55 PM - 6:00 PM

Health is no longer a set of symptoms to be treated in isolation — our health is inextricably linked to the world around us. In the water we drink, the air we... see more

Thursday 9th May
4:35 PM - 4:55 PM

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