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Pia Simran

Pia Simran

VP of Products and Business Development
Rootree, Inc.

Pia is the VP of Products and Business Development at Rootree, a position she holds as a partner in the organization.

After discovering her entrepreneurial spirit, Pia attended the Entrepreneurial School of Beauce in Quebec.

In her role, Pia has seamlessly integrated her diverse skill set. Her journey with the company has seen her contribute in various capacities, having worked in nearly every department. Today, she is instrumental in driving sustainable innovation within the organization, ensuring Rootree remains at the forefront of eco-friendly flexible packaging. She is dedicated to sustainable practices and agriculture which has helped her in another venture specializing in micro-greens and organic garden produce.

Outside of her professional life, she loves growing delicious garden produce and cooking for her family, expressing her musical talents through piano and singing, and exploring the world through travel. These interests contribute to her holistic approach to life and business.

Track: Unpacking Consumer Trends

The range of possibilities around customization and personalization of messaging–in many kinds of consumer-facing communications, including on packaging–has increased substantially in recent years. Find out what that means for the future of... see more

Wednesday 8th May
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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