Kristin Weeks Duncanson
Kristin Weeks Duncanson is an owner and partner at Highland Family Farms located in Mapleton, Minnesota. Kristin and her husband of more than 30 years, Pat, raise corn, soybeans, rye, oats, specialty corn, and hogs with a commitment to a triple-bottom-line approach: economic profitability, environmental improvement, and community engagement. Kristin also works as a consultant. Kristin currently volunteers as an advisor at the Meridian Institute’s AGree project, is a TNC Trustee, and is the former chair and current board member of the MN AgriGrowth Council. In the past, she has served as chair of Feeding Our Communities Partners, chair of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, board member of the American Soybean Growers, member of AAPEX, Moving Forward Advisory Council, and several commodity groups. She and her husband Pat are parents to six young adult children and four grandchildren. See featured story about her on TNC’s website: Growing Solutions: Highland Family Farms | TNC (nature.org)
From sequestering carbon to improving water quality, regenerative agriculture practices provide many benefits. How can we translate those benefits in a way that is meaningful to audiences outside of the sustainability field–from... see more