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Joselynne Fynboh

Joselynne Fynboh

Global Impact Business and Customer Integration Lead
General Mills

Joselynne Fynboh is a regenerative business leader with a vision to transform the health landscape through the healing power of food. Today, she leads the team integrating Sustainability into how we work at General Mills. The business Integration team serves as strategic advisors to global brands (Haagen Dazs, Cheerios, Nature Valley, Yoplait) and customer teams driving positive environmental, social, and bottom-line benefits at a time when sustainable products are outpacing overall CPG growth and value chain partnerships are critical to delivering on our commitments.

Track: Strategies and Tactics for Driving Behavior Change at Scale

It's difficult to drive important change in the world if you haven’t done the necessary inner work first. This bit of wisdom applies to individuals as well as organizations. This session will... see more

Wednesday 8th May
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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