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Hope Freedman

Hope Freedman

Consumer Marketing & Brand Purpose Leader
Adjunct Faculty

Hope Freedman is a passionate Purpose practitioner dedicated to harnessing the power of brands to create positive societal impact. She guides brands through the discovery and activation of social initiatives that positively impact businesses, consumers, employees, and communities. Hope brings her extensive background in CPG marketing, advertising, and communications – both on the client and agency side – to build brand equity and consumer engagement from strategy to execution.

Her work ranges from leading a multi-sector coalition and thought leadership initiatives to optimizing CSR programs, resources, and partners for clients. As a strategist in Edelman’s global Business + Social Purpose practice, Hope focused on developing differentiated brand social initiatives through a proven, insight-driven methodology for clients including PepsiCo, Unilever, Edgewell, and others

Previously, Hope managed various CPG businesses during her brand management tenures at Unilever, Dannon, L’Oréal and Reckitt Benckiser. Her leadership encompasses successfully developing and executing consumer research, brand strategies, product innovation, brand positioning, visual identity frameworks, communication platforms, consumer activation, and retail promotion.

Hope enthusiastically shares her expertise about the intersection of brands, marketing and social good as adjunct faculty, writer, editor, speaker, and award judge.

Track: Strategies and Tactics for Driving Behavior Change at Scale

It's difficult to drive important change in the world if you haven’t done the necessary inner work first. This bit of wisdom applies to individuals as well as organizations. This session will... see more

Wednesday 8th May
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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