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Freya Williams

Freya Williams

Fractional Chief Strategy Officer, Revolt; Founder,
Green Giants Etc.

Freya Williams is a sustainability, brand purpose, corporate responsibility and marketing leader with 20+ years experience harnessing the power of business and brands to transform the world for the better. A trusted advisor to C-suite leaders, Freya partners with global corporations, agencies and nonprofits to translate sustainability and social impact into competitive advantage. A vocal advocate of the role of sustainability in driving business performance, Freya is the author of Green Giants: How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability Into Billion-Dollar Businesses. She recently founded her advisory, Green Giants Etc., with a small roster of ambitious C-suite clients committed to driving meaningful change. She is also Fractional Chief Strategy Officer at leading purpose consultancy Revolt, North America and Senior Advisor at climate media company The Cool Down.


By now, many companies have a clearly defined, embedded and activated social and/or environmental purpose–and those that don’t are running the ever greater risk of becoming irrelevant in the eyes of key... see more

Wednesday 8th May
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Track: Culture Changing Communications

“We can’t afford any unforced errors this [election] year, so we’re playing it safe.” “It’s a hostage situation - with a small but intense minority holding America’s brands hostage.”

These types of... see more

Wednesday 8th May
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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