Navigating Sustainability Frameworks and Tools: A Practical Guide and Tips from Leading Experts

The majority of corporate sustainability teams continue to miss opportunities to save time and money on a regular basis by not knowing how to access and use many of the best-in-class tools necessary to perform common or routine day-to-day tasks, such as LCA analyses, benchmarking, preparing for specific reporting formats, and a range of valuation and ROI analyses, among others. One big reason is that the sustainability field as a whole is so new that there is bound to be a ‘Wild West’ period of many solution providers trying to establish best practices and tools. This workshop will alleviate this problem by serving as a guide to some of the most practical and proven digital tools out there. Workshop faculty will go over a range of useful tools and frameworks, focusing above all on ones that help quantify intangible impacts and demonstrate the kinds of new business value that good sustainability programs can unlock.

Location: Date: May 22, 2017 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Daniel Aronson Phillip Clawson Saman Baghestani

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