Tara Hemmer
As the largest waste management environmental solutions provider in North America, WM is at the forefront of circularity. Tara Hemmer, WM’s first Chief Sustainability Officer, is focused on unlocking solutions to help customers achieve their sustainability goals, delivering social impact initiatives for communities, and growing WM sustainable service offerings. With innovative infrastructure and capabilities in recycling, organics and renewable energy, WM has the largest disposal network and collection fleet in North America, is the largest recycler of post-consumer materials and is the leader in beneficial reuse of landfill gas, with a growing network of renewable natural gas plants and the most gas-to-electricity plants in North America. WM’s fleet includes nearly 11,000 natural gas trucks – the largest heavy-duty natural gas truck fleet of its kind in North America – where more than half are fueled by renewable natural gas. Under Tara’s leadership, WM has committed over $1.6 billion in expanding its recycling and renewable energy infrastructure by 2026 enabling WM to capture more materials for recycling and increase production of renewable natural gas at WM-operated landfills.