Nelson Switzer

Nelson Switzer

Managing Partner & Co-Founder
Climate Innovation Capital

Nelson Switzer is a Gigacorn Hunter.

A Managing Partner at Climate Innovation Capital, Nelson’s career has included advising and leading the sustainability, environmental and corporate responsibility offices of some of the world’s most influential companies, including Nestlé, PwC, Centrica and the Royal Bank of Canada. He is recognized as a pioneer in the fields of sustainability strategy, sustainable finance and ESG, and as an expert in climate change, water and pollution.

Nelson has advised asset owners and managers of public and private equity and debt in Canada, the United States, Australia and the European Union for nearly 20 years, helping them integrate ESG factors into investment decision-making to drive enhanced returns while preserving and creating environmental and social value.

An architect of the restoration economy principle, Nelson spends his professional time hunting Gigacorns – solutions that will be capable of delivering more than a billion tonnes of carbon equivalent reductions while reaching an enterprise value more than one billion dollars.

Nelson is an Adjunct Professor of Sustainability at Northwestern University’s Institute for Sustainability and Energy and has held adjunct positions and executive-in-residence status at the University of Waterloo and Ivey School of Business. He is often tapped to speak around the world and has appeared as an expert commentator on major news networks.

Nelson holds a Master of Environmental Engineering from the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor of Science from the University of New Brunswick.  He lives in Toronto with his wife and two sons.