Molly Renaldo
Molly Renaldo is a Senior Partnerships Manager at Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in North America. In this role, she leads business development across various food commodities and account strategy with brand partners sourcing Fair Trade Certified ingredients for their CPG and Dairy products. Through her work, she strives to promote the Fair Trade movement and expand impact, by educating the market and consumers about challenges faced by the farmers and workers throughout the world that create the products we use every day. Molly has presented at the G7 Agricultural Summit, the World Coconut Congress, as well as been published in various international food journals. She holds a Master’s degree in Food Culture and Communication, with an specialization in the Marketing and Sustainability of High-Quality Products, from the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollens, Italy.
Track: Regenerative Operations & Supply Chain
Regenerative design requires centering systems and communities. This panel will address the topic of designing products and supply chains to meet community needs, rather than engaging with communities as an afterthought. Topics... see more