SB'19 SEOUL Program
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Full Program
Friday October 18, 2019
9:30 to 10:00 | Registration & Networking |
10:00 to 12:00 | Redefining the Good Life Redefining the Good Life |
12:00 to 13:30 | / Grand BallroomLunch |
13:30 to 15:00 | Redesigning the Good Life Good Food |
13:30 to 15:00 | Redesigning the Good Life Good Mobilitymore >less <Ali will deliver new insights into trends related to the ‘last mile’ and detailed case study material that will help private and government align to deliver a genuinely good experiences for individuals and business.
13:30 to 15:00 | Redesigning the Good Life Good Spaces |
13:30 to 17:30 | Redesigning the Good Life Innovation Labs |
15:30 to 17:30 | Delivering the Good Life Good Circularitymore >less <Good Circularity description |
15:30 to 17:30 | Delivering the Good Life Good Supplymore >less <
15:30 to 17:30 | Delivering the Good Life Inclusivity & Sustainabilitymore >less <
17:30 to 19:00 | / Grand BallroomNetworking reception |