SB’18 Vancouver

Pamela Wilhelms

Pamela Wilhelms

Pamela Wilhelms is a social architect, organizational consultant and executive coach. Her work in social architecture focuses on the invisible systems and structures in organizations that ignite creativity, innovation, design, and tap the collective intelligence and soul of the organization. This transformational work drives a shift in culture from mechanistic, hierarchical frameworks to models based on complex adaptive living systems and higher performance on multiple dimensions.

Her coaching with executives is an integral leadership model, which applies recent research in psychophysiology, social neuroscience, spiral dynamics and quantum physics to the practical aspects of leading organizations.  

As lead architect for WCG, the company she founded in 1987, Pamela now focuses the work on businesses building capacity for multiple bottom line measurements, and coaching leaders in all sectors of society who are shaping the shift towards an abundant regenerative economy. Pamela has worked with leaders from more than 40 countries, on five continents, and from organizations as varied as Fortune 20 companies, the White House, the United Nations, natural resource agencies, social entrepreneurs and community leaders.

Her latest endeavor is the Soul of the Next Economy Initiative, which connects global thought leaders and action leaders for innovation and profound deep change in individual, organizational and societal systems for the flourishing of life on the planet. With undergraduate studies in environmental engineering, landscape architecture and urban design, and graduate work in psychology, theology, leadership and organizational behavior, she is positioned to see the systems intersections and passionate about radical collaboration across traditional boundaries. Pamela has designed award winning multi-year leadership academies and taught in graduate programs for many universities including Harvard, Georgetown, Yale, the University of California and Stanford.