SB’18 Vancouver

Kathrin Winkler

Kathrin Winkler

As former Chief Sustainability Officer for EMC Corporation, a multinational cloud computing company (now part of Dell Technologies), Kathrin follows her passion for transforming mindsets and bringing disparate parties together to tackle emerging challenges.

Through her positions at EMC and leadership in industry coalitions and consortia, Kathrin provided a decade of systems thinking, sustainability strategy and leadership to her company and to the broader IT industry. Known for her authentic voice, she is a frequent speaker and consultant on the integration of sustainability into corporate culture, strategy, governance, and day-to-day operations. 

Kathrin currently serves as an Editor-at-Large for GreenBiz and on the boards of directors for the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE); Net Impact, a nonprofit mobilizing new generations to use their talent to drive transformational social and environmental change; and Green Electronics Council, pursuing sustainability in information technology. In 2014, Kathrin was honored with the Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision Award for Social Impact in recognition of her contributions to innovation, leadership, and sustainability in the field of information technology.