SB’18 Vancouver

Gwendal Castellan

Gwendal Castellan

Gwendal has followed a multifaceted career path has helped build a vision of global sustainability centred on the value of localized & collaborative initiatives. Prior to joining Toursim Vancouver he has designed water conservation curriculum Western Australia for the Water Corporation, programmed the imaging resources of the Canadian satellite RadarSat over Asia, Oceania and South America, created energy models for new and existing buildings with the social enterprise City Green, and produced a feature length film documenting his journey from Patagonia to the Northwest Territories of Canada by bicycle.

In 2012, Gwendal lead a project with Tourism Vancouver in partnership with the local electricity utility to create a tourism business energy conservation program that is believed to have been worldwide first among municipal destination marketing organizations. In 2016 he expanded the program to be fully integrated into a destination development strategy integrating sustainability. In Vancouver the tourism industry is striving to help to reach the Greenest City goals by 2020 and find pathways where tourism businesses prosper while fulfilling the commitment to be a 100% renewable city by 2050.

Gwendal has BSc. geography from the University of Victoria, sustainable energy management advanced certificate from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, a Certified Energy Manager and a graduate of the THNK School of Creative Leadership.