SB’18 Vancouver

Anne-Maria Salonius

Anne-Maria Salonius

Anne-Maria Salonius, Head of the Bank of Aland’s operations in Finland, member of the Executive team and a Jury Chairperson in the Baltic Sea Project.

Anne-Maria is an experienced sailor and captain of her own sailing boat. She has sailed a lot in the Baltic Sea but also sailed over the Pacific Ocean as a crew member in the spring 2016. Anne-Maria’s passion is to save the Baltic Sea and she launched the Baltic Sea Project at the bank in summer 2014 to continue the Bank of Åland’s long-term environmental work. The Baltic Sea Project’s goal is to help create a healthier Baltic Sea both by funding good ideas and by raising public awareness about the state of the Baltic Sea.

Anne-Maria has also been the initiator and led the preparations in the bank for a new type of ecological credit card, the Baltic Sea Card. It counts the carbon footprint of your purchases and you can choose to donate to different environmental projects or change your consumption patterns. The concept and the methodology are freely given to any other bank by the Bank of Aland.

Here is an introduction with a video to the concept: