SB’18 Vancouver

Breakout Sessions

Listen while carefully curated panels of inspirational, subject-matter experts both invoke and invite new approaches to create positive impact. Dive in as we dig even deeper with discussions and debate around solutions-based methods, messaging, and models that can all deliver transformational change. SB Breakouts allow time to fully understand and learn from the crux of the multiple challenges that brands and businesses face when redesigning for a Good Life.

Featured breakout sessions include:

Embedding Future-Fitness into Your Organisation: Goal-setting and Management Tools

Geoff Kendall
Co-Founder & CEO

Stephanie Bertels
Founder and Lead Researcher

Personal Purpose as a Powerful Ally in Rallying Employees: A Practical Unilever Tool

Jonathan Atwood
VP, Sustainable Business & Communications

Factory as Forest: The Methodology, Measurement and Implementation behind a Move from Zero Footprint to Positive Impact

Erin Meezan
VP and Chief Sustainability Officer

Nicole Hagerman Miller
Managing Director

Harmonizing the Inside and Outside Messages: Turning Employees into Effective Ambassadors for Your Good Life Brand

Carol Cone

John Izzo
Author, The Purpose Revolution

Henk Campher
VP, Marketing

Laura Kohler
SVP, Human Resources, Stewardship and Sustainability

New Collaboration Models for a Circular Economy

Michael Kobori
VP, Sustainability

Steven Bethell

Allen Langdon
Managing Director

Monique Oxender
Chief Sustainability Officer

Evolving Supplier Relationships: Finding New Forms of Shared Value

Annukka Dickens
Director, Human Rights, Supply Chain Responsivity and Sustainability

Atlanta McIlwraith
Senior Manager, Community Engagement and Communications

Kelley Bell
Vice President of Social and Environmental Impact

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