SB’18 Vancouver


SB'18 Home Slide - Vancouver Image

Vancouver, British Columbia

We’re thrilled to launch our community conversation around “Redesigning the Good Life” in Vancouver, Canada this year. Vancouver is a prime example of sustainability-focused city planning, leading the way forward with the smallest carbon footprint of any North American city and a forward-thinking action plan to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. With its culture of innovation and pristine environment of surrounding sea and mountain landscapes, Vancouver provides a refreshing and inspiring backdrop for brands to discuss the designs necessary to deliver true social and environmental value to their customers.

' + '

' + 'Vancouver Convention Centre West Building' + '

' + '

' + '1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C 0C3, Canada' + '

' + '
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The Venue

The stunning venue, Vancouver Convention Centre, is the first and largest LEED-Platinum facility of its kind in the world. As the winner of multiple architectural and design, environmental, and meeting venue awards, its innovation will ground and inspire us to take our ongoing conversation to the next level.

Address: Vancouver Convention Centre, West Building, 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C, Canada
Parking: 2 Garages underground
Phone: +1 604-689-8232

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